I have received my bachelor degree in Computer Software from University College of Science and Technology, Urmia, Iran in February 2010. Since graduation, I have worked in the field of computer network, IT and telecommunication until I joined the Department of Computer Science at Özyeğin University as a master student in January 2016. I was a member of the AI lab at Özyeğin University, my research focus was in the field of artificial intelligence. I have worked as a graduate teaching assistant for Introduction to Programming, Discrete Mathematics, and Introduction to Engineering Computation courses. My main research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, and intelligent agents.
I am pleased to inform that I have successfully defended my M.Sc. thesis on 20.08.2019. The topic of my thesis is "AGENT BASED NEGOTIATION FOR INCENTIVE DRIVEN PRIVACY PRESERVING INFORMATION SHARING". My thesis consists of two parts, first part is dedicated to preference elicitation and modeling human behavior toward data privacy. Then we presented a negotiation framework in order to ensure information sharing while eliminating privacy violation using Human-Agent negotiation on the domain of information sharing. In the second part an acceptance policy is presented for automated bilateral negotiations named as RL-Acceptance. Our contribution in this part is shaping this acceptance policy using deep reinforcement learning rather than explicitly coding and formulating certain specifics for the model. The RL-Acceptance could achieve reasonable results near to state of the art acceptance policies and even acting better than them in some cases.
November 2019,
I joined Marine Geodynamik group at GEOMAR as scientific assistant, our project is about using machine learning models to analyze physical properties of materials beneath the sea floor.
December 2022,
I joined the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) as a software developer, here I am working with different teams from different Helmholtz research centers to develop software services and platform to organize research datasets and make them easily accessible for other researchers.
I become a member of the Reseach Data Managenment (RDM) team in the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ.